HTML Codex

Best 5 HTML & CSS Timeline Designs

CSS Timeline

The HTML and CSS timeline designs are an effective web element to display stories of companies, products, carriers, and so on. The continuous changes in stories over the period of time are displayed by timelines. Displaying the growth and transformations of your company or your carrier over the period of time will help your web visitors to know easily about you or your company. So the timeline designs are very important and useful web elements for modern and professional websites.

Now we are going to share the best 5 free CSS vertical timelines here that you can use for your personal and commercial websites even for your client’s websites. If you are looking for the professionally designed HTML timeline templates to display your legacy to the web users, these CSS timeline designs will help you. There are also very lightweight and simple timeline designs in this list that you can use for any type of website.

These HTML5 timelines are built with pure HTML and CSS, no Bootstrap, JQuery, or any other external plugins used. These are very lightweight, simple, plain, responsive, and vertical timelines that work well with all modern browsers and devices screen. These are also very easy to customize as required. Though the Bootstrap is not used in these CSS timelines you can integrate it with the websites built with Bootstrap. So pick one of the free HTML and CSS timeline code examples and start creating a beautiful timeline for your website.

Features of the HTML CSS timeline designs

  • Pure HTML and CSS code
  • Free Font Awesome 5 icons integrated
  • No Bootstrap, JQuery or any other plugins
  • Very clean and well-commented code
  • 5 different designs with different colors
  • Very lightweight and simple timeline designs
  • Responsive and mobile-friendly designs
  • Compatible with all modern web browsers
  • Easy to customize and integrate with Bootstrap

Updated : 1 year ago

Downloads : 2241

Author : HTML Codex

License : CC By 4.0

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